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Technology | Mastering Data Resilience and Business Continuity
“Of course, my backups are working. My guy swaps out the hard drives every day.” “Backup? No problem, I have that right here in my drawer.” The client who is the source of the first quotation insisted that his server backup was well taken care of by his staff, and...
Ethics SCR 20:1.6 in the 21st Century: New and Exciting Ways to Breach Confidentiality and Not Even Know It
There are a lot of sentences people use today that my pre-law-school self would not understand – and it’s not because they contain any legalese. “I have to replace my refrigerator because it won’t connect to the Wi-Fi.” “Hey Alexa, turn down the thermostat before I...
Technology Is It Time to Adopt Generative AI into Your Legal Writing?
Recent breakthroughs in generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology have made many attorneys question how the legal field will survive AI’s takeover. The solution is to embrace it. Programs like Open AI’s ChatGPT have shown AI’s capability of producing written...
Practice Management Get a Free Check-up: Complete the Updated Law Firm Assessment
In March 2020, the Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) and the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Ethics and Practice411™ programs launched the Wisconsin Law Firm Self-Assessment. As we explained then, “the free tool helps lawyers and law firms mitigate risk, elevate competence,...
Dean Dietrich: Civility, Lawyer Wellness are Top Priorities for Ethics Giant
On July 1, Dean Dietrich began his one-year term as the 68th president of the State Bar of Wisconsin. Photos: Emily Voss, Voss Studios, WausauDean Dietrich learned early in his career that a lawyer’s calling carries with it an awesome responsibility. An elderly widow...
Four Best Practices To Safeguard Your Cloud-Based Data
Four Best Practices To Safeguard Your Cloud-Based Data When you rely on a cloud-based platform to store your business data, you need it to be secure. However, many popular platforms like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce fall short in the backup...
Top Tips to Trim Your Law Firm’s Cloud Budget
The pandemic proved a great motivator for reluctant law firms to finally make the move to the cloud. Now, firms are faced with learning how to use their cloud-based technology more effectively and efficiently — and get the most from their cloud budget. Table of...
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Helping lawyers overcome the technology trap. Law firms of all sizes need someone they can trust to help them with technology. I provide education, guidance, and support so that they can sleep easier at night knowing their data is safe.